90’ Mural Panels Longview National Bank, 1957, Texas
D.D. Feldman Collections, Dallas
Delgado Museum, New Orleans
Gulf Caribbean Show, Houston
Longview Junior League, Texas
Louisiana State Art Commission, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Men of Art Guild, San Antonio
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston – 1960 Purchase – First Prize
Provincetown Art Festival, Massachusetts
Roerich Academy, New York City
Sarasota National, Florida
Texas Fine Arts Association, Austin
Texas Oil 1958, Dallas
The Assistance League, Houston
The Door Show, alley Theatre, Houston
The Nude Show, Houston
The University of Houston School of Architecture, One Man Retrospective
Underwood Neuhaus Competition, Houston
D.D. Feldman Collections, Dallas
Delgado Museum, New Orleans
Gulf Caribbean Show, Houston
Longview Junior League, Texas
Louisiana State Art Commission, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Men of Art Guild, San Antonio
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston – 1960 Purchase – First Prize
Provincetown Art Festival, Massachusetts
Roerich Academy, New York City
Sarasota National, Florida
Texas Fine Arts Association, Austin
Texas Oil 1958, Dallas
The Assistance League, Houston
The Door Show, alley Theatre, Houston
The Nude Show, Houston
The University of Houston School of Architecture, One Man Retrospective
Underwood Neuhaus Competition, Houston